
Sample of an Employment Verification Letter in English (English Version)

When an employee requires proof of their current employment status, an employment verification letter becomes a crucial document. It serves as official documentation confirming an individual’s job position, working hours, and other pertinent details. In the globalized world we live in, having an employment verification letter in English is often necessary, especially when dealing with international processes, immigration, or job applications abroad.

With the increasing demand for an English version of an employment verification letter, it is crucial for employers to understand how to draft an accurate and comprehensive document. Here, we provide a sample template to guide employers in creating a professional and effective employment verification letter in English:

[Company Name]

Employment Verification Letter

Date: [Date]

To whom it may concern,

This letter is to confirm that [Employee’s Full Name] is employed with [Company Name]. [He/She] currently holds the position of [Employee’s Job Title] and has been working with us since [Start Date of Employment].

During [Employee’s Full Name]’s employment with [Company Name], [he/she] has been consistently punctual, reliable, and hardworking. [He/She] has demonstrated excellent skills in [Employee’s Field/***rea of Expertise].

[Employee’s Full Name] works on a [number of hours per week] basis and earns a monthly salary of [Employee’s Salary]. Please note that this information is confidential and should be treated accordingly.

If you have any further inquiries or require additional information, please feel free to contact us at [Company Contact Information].

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Employer’s Full Name]

[Employer’s Job Title]

[Company Name]

This is a simple template that employers can adapt to their specific circumstances. It is essential to customize the employment verification letter according to the employee’s position, working hours, and other relevant details. When drafting an employment verification letter in English, it is advisable to use formal language and maintain a professional tone.

Remember that the purpose of an employment verification letter is to provide accurate information, so it is important to double-check all details before issuing the document. Employers should ensure that the letter contains all necessary information required by the individual or organization requesting it.

In conclusion, having an employment verification letter in English is vital for various purposes, such as overseas employment opportunities, visa applications, or academic pursuits. Employers must understand the importance of providing such letters and ensure their accuracy and professionalism. By following a well-crafted template and customizing it accordingly, employers can help their employees navigate the complexities of international procedures more effectively.




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