


1. Respect for Teachers and Fellow Students(尊重教师和同学)

– ***lways address teachers and fellow students with respect and politeness.

– Observe classroom etiquette and do not disrupt learning activities.

2. Punctuality and ***ttendance(守时和出勤)

– ***rrive at school and attend classes on time.

– Seek permission from your teacher or school if you need to be absent.

3. Dress Code(着装规范)

– Follow the school’s dress code policy.

– Dress modestly and appropriately for the learning environment.

4. Use of English(使用英语)

– Speak English whenever possible during English classes and activities.

– ***void using slang and improper language.

5. ***cademic Integrity(学术诚信)

– Do not cheat, plagiarize, or engage in any form of academic dishonesty.

– Give credit to the original sources when using others’ work.

6. Personal Belongings(个人财物)

– Take care of your personal belongings and do not damage school property.

– Do not bring valuable items to school unless necessary.

7. Safe Behavior(安全行为)

– Follow safety guidelines and rules.

– Report any unsafe situations or accidents to a teacher or school authority.

8. Use of Electronic Devices(使用电子设备)

– Use electronic devices such as mobile phones responsibly and within school rules.

– Only use electronic devices when permitted by teachers or during designated times.

9. Cleanliness(卫生整洁)

– Keep the school environment clean and tidy.

– Dispose of trash properly and maintain personal hygiene.

10. Respect for School Rules(尊重校规)

– Follow all school rules and regulations.

– Seek clarification if you are unsure about any rules.






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